.eco Sustainability Policy

Updated: June 24, 2024

Big Room Inc. is the registry for the .eco domain, the online home for the global environmental community. As an active member of the community, we are working to build an eco-friendly internet and a better world.

We having formalized our commitment to environmental and social action by becoming a Certified B Corporation.

We are the world's first carbon neutral domain registry certified under PAS 2060. This means that this means that any emissions associated with managing .eco domain names is accounted for and offset. We are committed to reporting regularly on our environmental impacts.

We believe that by working with like-minded people and organizations throughout the .eco community, we can collectively act to reduce waste, water, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions.


We believe that transparency is the best way to lead by example and to counter greenwashing. We encourage transparency within the .eco community and we try to live by these ideals.



Digital Infrastructure

The most significant impact of the business is related to the energy use of digital infrastructure and services. We have prioritized providers committed to reducing their carbon footprint. We are actively working with CIRA, our key registry service provider, to better understand, reduce, and mitigate the impact of .eco.

Key digital suppliers and their sustainability policies

SupplierRoleSustainability policy
ActiveCampaign LLC (Postmark)Cloud email serviceWildbit's 2020 environmental footprint
Amazon Web Services, Inc.Cloud service providerSustainability in the cloud
Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)Domain registry servicesCIRA's commitment to the environment
Escode (NCC)Data escrowSustainability strategy
Fathom AnalyticsVisitor analyticsNot publicly available
Google, Inc.Workplace productivity tools and mapsGoogle Sustainability
Intercom, Inc.Cloud-based customer supportNot publicly available
Nord SecurityVPNCorporate responsibility

See our Supplier policy for additional information.


Big Room is operated 100% remotely. We incorporate the energy use of our home offices into our carbon footprint. We also maintain a set of policies related to procurement, energy efficiency, waste, and travel.


Policy: To limit our energy consumption, we

  • ensure computers and monitors operate in energy saving mode, and turn them off when not in use
  • use LED lighting wherever possible and turn off lighting when the office is not in use

Greenhouse gas emissions

Policy: To limit the greenhouse gas emissions that we create, we

  • Track our carbon emissions and actively work to reduce them, offsetting the residuals through high-quality carbon offsets
  • Minimize our road and air travel by using video-conferencing and encouraging working from home


Policy: To limit the amount of garbage that goes to landfill, we

  • Extend the life of all our existing electronic equipment wherever possible
  • Recycle any end-of-life electronics through a responsible on-shore electronics recycling service
  • Reduce printing
  • Recycle all paper and paper products
  • Recycle toner cartridges with a reputable provider


Policy: To encourage and support businesses that are part of the global environmental community we maintain a Supplier Policy that outlines our criteria for evaluating and reviewing suppliers.